The Sikhi Marriage Handbook is written to help those interested in a Sikh marriage to understand the unique aspects of the Anand Karaj – the ceremony of spiritual bliss. In the Sikh faith, marriage is more than a partnership between two individuals. It is the pathway to God, and the Anand Karaj reveals how the merger with God occurs in four unique stages, called the Laavan.
You will learn about the meaning of the Anand Karaj, how the ceremony is carried out and what to expect. The thought of getting married can be quite daunting, so the book helps you gain self knowledge and discover the skills that are vital for a healthy relationship but may never have been taught in childhood. It then moves on to finding the right partner and laying a healthy foundation in the first year, which is probably the most challenging. Finally, you will get an understanding of what is not acceptable in a marriage and what you can do if things start to go wrong. This is a must-read guide for getting married or for anyone wanting to improve their relationship through better communication, personal growth and Sikhi virtues.
Covers the following content:
- What is a Sikh Marriage
- The Anand Karaj Cermony
- Guidance for the couple
- Some Do’s and Dont’s
- Skills we did not learn as children
- Understand who you are
- Who is the right partner for me?
- Year one of marriage
- Learning to collaborate
- What is not acceptable in marriage
- If things go wrong
- Things for a healthy Anand Karaj
- What have I learned?
- Anand Karaj in the Sikh Rehat Maryada
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